The Automatical Process Map Generation Using Network Representation In Radiopharmaceutical Synthesis

네트워크 모델링을 통한 방사성의약품 합성 프로세스 맵 자동생성 시스템

  • Received : 2010.11.25
  • Accepted : 2011.02.28
  • Published : 2011.06.01


The radiopharmaceutical synthesis for PET (positron emission tomography) is composed of chemical reactions using automated synthetical equipment. Due to the radioactive material, the automated equipment is being frequently developed to replace human operators who conduct dangerous, repetitive and dexterous operations. As to operation, the manipulating program is commonly coded using the spread sheet while the whole actuators are mapped in every step. The process map (program) is changed according to such parameters as temperature of reactor, keeping time, mixture sequence and amount of reagent. In cases of customizing the automated synthetical equipment or developing the new radiopharmaceuticals, lots of experiments should be conducted and the programming mistake is not allowed as it can lead abnormal control of the equipment to leak the radioactive materials. The exact process map has depended on trial and error manner. Thus, this study developed the methodology to tabulate the synthetical process to convert the process map automatically while the synthetical module formation is represented by a network model. The proposed method is validated using the actual radiopharmaceutical synthetical procedure.



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