수돗물의 탄소 배출량 평가

Carbon Emission Evaluation of Tap Water

  • 발행 : 2011.08.15


To evaluate carbon emission in water treatment processes, LCA (life cycle assessment) was applied to 8 multi-regional water treatment plants (WTPs) from intake to supply of tap water. Investigation of 8 WTPs revealed that average carbon emission for 1 $m^3$ of tap water was 221 g. Major carbon emission sources in water supply system were intake and supply processes. Meanwhile, mixing process was the main carbon emission source in unit water treatment processes. Carbon emission was proportional to the turbidity and COD of raw water. Intake of better raw water and minimization of energy consumption in unit processes are needed to reduce carbon emission in the WTPs. In addition, comparison of carbon emission among WTPs can be used as a parameter for optimization of operation and maintenance of water treatment processes.



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