PNF and Movement
- Volume 9 Issue 4
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- Pages.23-31
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- 2011
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- 2508-6227(pISSN)
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- 2508-6472(eISSN)
The Study of Correlations between Body Compositions and Bone Mineral Density in Young Women and Postmenopausal Women with Low Bone Mineral Density
젊은 여성과 대퇴경부 저골밀도 폐경기 여성의 신체조성과 골밀도의 상관관계 연구
- Shin, Seung-Sub (Pilip Convalescent Hospital)
- 신승섭 (필립요양병원)
- Received : 2011.11.05
- Accepted : 2011.11.25
- Published : 2011.12.31
Purpose : The aim of this study was to investigate the correlations between body compositions and bone mineral density in young women and postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density. Methods : Eleven young women (age,