계획된 행위이론을 적용한 실습중 사고예방 교육 프로그램 개발 - 치기공학과 학생을 중심으로 -

Development of an Accident Prevention Education Program on an application of the Theory of Planned Behavior during Exercise (Focusing on Students Majoring in Dental Technicians)

  • Park, Jong-Hee (Department of Dental Laboratory Technology, Gimcheon university)
  • 투고 : 2011.01.10
  • 심사 : 2011.03.09
  • 발행 : 2011.03.30


Purpose: The purposes of this study were to provide information about safe actions during the practice of dental technology, promote belief in safe actions among the students of dental technology, and reinforce their knowledge about how to act safety. Methods: Open questions were asked to 120 sophomores majoring dental technology to understand the target group's belief about safe actions. Following the instructions by Ajzen & Fishbein, the collected data were grouped according to similar beliefs. Those beliefs of the highest frequency were given a priority and got to represent the belief level of the target group. Even with belief changes, however, they would not be able to practice safe actions if they had no knowledge about how to do safe actions. For desirable behavioral changes among the students, the students were then asked to discuss the current state of safety accidents and issues focusing on the materials and processes used in the practice and give presentations regarding the subjects to identify risk factors. Then the identified risk factors were used to devise the program contents so that the students could practice safe actions through accurate behavioral approaches and belief changes by educating them about how to act safely by the practice processes and the involved materials and devices. Results: Not only do the students of Dept. of Dental Technicians have difficulties with the complex practice processes while practicing to make dental prosthesis, but they are exposed to the risk of accidents as they're poor at dealing with the materials and devices. Although there is a definite need for accident prevention education programs before practice, the reality is that the school doesn't the schoosuch education. Based on the judgment that an education program designed to reinforce belief for behavioral changes would generate effgrams results, an education program was developed by applying the Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB). Along with their beliefs, the current state of accidents n. Basepractice, demand for safety education, and practice level of safe actions were used to device the contents of accident prevention education and to develop an accident prevention education program for dental technology. Conclusion: The study presents an accident prevention education program developed to reinforce dental technology students' beliefs and knowledge and to help them do safe actions during practice.



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