가정∙방문간호학회지 (Journal of Home Health Care Nursing)
- 제18권2호
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- Pages.81-87
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- 2011
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- 1738-7590(pISSN)
응급의료센터 체류시간 최적화
A Stay Time Optimization Model Emergency Medical Center (EMC)
- 김은주 (상지대학교 간호학과) ;
- 임지영 (인하대학교 간호학과) ;
- 류정순 (가톨릭대학교 부천성모병원) ;
- 조선희 (가톨릭대학교 부천성모병원) ;
- 배나리 (가톨릭대학교 부천성모병원) ;
(중앙대학교 적십자간호대학)
- Kim, Eun-Joo (Department of Nursing, Sangji University) ;
- Lim, Ji-Young (Department of Nursing, Inha University) ;
- Ryu, Jeong-Soon (Bucheon St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University) ;
- Cho, Sun-Hee (Bucheon St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University) ;
- Bae, Na-Ri (Bucheon St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University) ;
Kim, Sang-Suk
(Red Cross College of Nursing, Chung-Ang University)
- 투고 : 2011.07.07
- 심사 : 2011.08.15
- 발행 : 2011.12.31
Purpose: The aim of this study was to estimate optimization model of stay time in EMC. Methods: Data were collected at an EMC in a hospital using medical records from June to August in 2007. The sample size was 8,378. The data were structured by stay time for doctor visit, decision making, and discharge from EMC. Descriptive statistics were used to find out general characteristics of patients. Average mean and quantile regression models were adopted to estimate optimized stay time in EMC. Results: The stay times in EMC were highly skewed and non-normal distributions. Therefore, average mean as an indicator of optimal stay time was not appropriate. The total stay time using conditional quantile regression model was estimated about 110 min, that was about 166 min shorter than estimated time using average mean. Conclusion: According to these results, we recommend to use a conditional quantile regression model to estimate optimal stay time in EMC. We suggest that this results will be used to develop a guideline to manage stay time more effectively in EMC.