Outage Analysis of a Cooperative Multi-hop Wireless Network for Rayleigh Fading Environment

  • 아사두자만 (울산대학교 전기전자정보시스템공학부 무선통신실험실) ;
  • 공형윤 (울산대학교 전기전자정보시스템공학부 무선통신실험실)
  • Received : 2010.06.29
  • Accepted : 2010.12.23
  • Published : 2011.02.28


This paper presents an information theoretic outage analysis for physical layer of a cooperative multihop wireless network. Our analysis shows that cooperation by selecting a proper relay at each hop increases the coverage or data rate of the network. In our analysis we consider both symmetric and asymmetric network model. We also investigate the availability of cooperative relay at each hop and show that end-to-end performance of the network depends on the relay selection procedure at each hop. We also verify our analytical results with simulations.



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