A Study on the Actual Condition of Dental Prosthesis of the Elderly in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do

서울 및 경기지역 노인의 치과보철물 실태에 대한 조사 연구

  • Received : 2011.09.30
  • Accepted : 2011.12.28
  • Published : 2011.12.30


Purpose: This study was carried out for the purpose of obtaining basic data necessary for developing the future oral health promotion program of the elderly by surveying the actual condition of managing dental prosthesis in the elderly. Methods: It collected materials targeting 346 elderly brackets in over 65 years old who dwell in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do Province for about 10 months from September 2010 to June 2011, analyzed 312 copies except 34 copies, which are inappropriate for data processing due to being insufficient in response among these things, and obtained the following results. Results: In the actual condition of missing tooth, a case of missing tooth was indicated to be 78.8%. In case of missing tooth, the number of missing teeth was indicated to be 75.6% for under 5 pieces and 19.1% for over 21 pieces. In the actual condition of managing prosthesis, a case with dental prosthesis treatment was indicated to be 77.6%. A kind of prosthesis was indicated to be the highest in fixed partial dentures with 36.5%. In a method of rinsing dentures, 47.7% of the elderly responded as saying of washing it out with water. The appearance of removing dentures at night was indicated to be the highest in doing so with 63.1%. Satisfaction with prosthesis of being mounted now was indicated to be moderate with 50.4%. As for the appearance of having experience of education on how to manage prosthesis, it was indicated to be high with 50.4% in having none. In a kind of prosthesis depending on averagely monthly income, the ratio of total dentures was high when averagely monthly income is low. On the other hand, a case with high income was indicated to have high ratio in implants. The satisfaction with prosthesis was low when averagely monthly income is low. Also, in the experience of education on how to manage prosthesis, the ratio of responses as saying of having no experience of education on how to manage prosthesis was indicated to be high when averagely monthly income is low. Conclusion: Examining the above results, a developmental plan is considered to be necessary such as developing continuous and systematic oral health promotion program for managing elderly people's managing dental prothesis.



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