아로마발반사요법이 간호학생의 월경전증후군, 생리통 및 하복부 피부온도에 미치는 효과

Effects of Aroma-foot-reflexology on Premenstrual Syndrome, Dysmenorrhea and Lower Abdominal Skin Temperature of Nursing Students

  • 이영미 (강원대학교 삼척 제2캠퍼스 간호학과)
  • Lee, Young-Mee (Kangwon National University, Samcheok Second Campus, Dept. of Nursing)
  • 투고 : 2011.07.20
  • 심사 : 2011.10.17
  • 발행 : 2011.10.31


Purpose: The aim of the study was to identify the effects of aroma-foot-reflexology on premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea and lower abdominal skin temperature of nursing students. Methods: This study used a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study design. The participants were divided into two groups, a control group with 37 students and a treatment with 24 students. A 35 minute three times a week aroma-foot-reflexology was carried out for the treatment group. The data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 17.0 program. Results: The results showed that aroma-foot reflexology was significantly effective in reducing premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea, and raised lower abdominal skin temperature of the students. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that aroma-foot-reflexology is an effective nursing intervention in reducing premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea and in improving lower abdominal skin temperature. It is, therefore, recommended that the aroma-foot reflexology should be a clinical practice as an effective nursing intervention to reduce premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea and to improve lower abdominal skin temperature of nursing students.



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