청주지역 소재 도매시장과 재래시장에서 유통 중인 농산물 중 농약의 잔류 특성을 조사하고 검출농약의 안전성을 평가하기 위하여 도매시장과 재래시장에서 총 38점의 농산물을 채취한 후 240종의 농약을 대상으로 GLC, HPLC 및 GC-MSD를 이용한 다성분동시분석법으로 농산물 중 잔류농약을 분석하였다. 잔류농약 분석 결과 도매시장에서 채취한 대파에서 alachlor, 부추에서 endosulfan, 셀러리에서 procymidone이 검출되었으며, 재래시장의 경우 깻잎에서 bifenthrin, 대파에서 triflumizole이 검출되어 13.2%의 검출율을 보였지만 잔류허용기준 초과율은 검출 농약의 2.6%이었다. 검출된 농약의 일일섭취추정량(EDI)과 최대섭취허용량(MPI)은 각각 일일섭취허용량(ADI)의 26%와 0.05% 미만으로 안전한 것으로 판단되었다.
This study was carried out to survey the residual characteristics of pesticides and assess their safety. Nineteen agricultural commodities, collected from wholesale and traditional markets in Cheongju. Nineteen agricultural commodities including perilla leaves were collected from the markets on October 29th, 2010. Total 240 pesticides which can be analyzed by multiresidue analysis method by GLC and HPLC were monitored and the pesticides detected were confirmed by GC-MSD and LC-MS. Five pesticides, alachlor, bifenthrin, endosulfan, procymidone and triflumizole, were detected from five samples, such as welsh onion, leek and celery in case of wholesale market and perilla leaves and welsh onion in case of traditional market. Detection rate of 13.2% was obtained as a result of pesticide analysis but 2.6% of the pesticides detected exceeded their maximum residue limits. The estimated daily intakes (EDIs) and maximum permissible intakes (MPIs) of the pesticides detected were less than 26% and 0.05% of their acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) respectively, representing that residue levels of the pesticides detected would be safe.