The Linguistic Analysis of Visual Images in Elementary Science Textbooks by 2007 Curriculum Revision: Focused on the Changes of the Weather

2007개정 교육과정 초등 과학 교과서의 시각 이미지에 대한 언어학적 분석: 날씨의 변화 단원을 중심으로

  • Received : 2011.08.01
  • Accepted : 2011.11.10
  • Published : 2011.11.30


This study analyzed the visual images covering 'the changes of weather' in elementary science textbooks by 2007 curriculum revision from a perspective of linguistics. The findings showed that there were inclined to increasing in terms of ideational and textual metafunctions. It meant that the informative images were increased and the form of images became more abstractive. It also showed an increase in terms of interpersonal metafunctions. It was interpreted as decreasing the ratios of images inducing epistemological detachments and increasing images help familiarity and involvement between images and readers. These results showed that the visual images of 'the changes of weather' in 2007 revised elementary science textbook were professionally, technical, and abstractive in terms of the contents and formality. And these trends of images were complemented by the involvement and familiarity of images in the aspect of interpersonal metafunctions.


Cited by

  1. '화석 모형 만들기' 탐구활동에 대한 초등교사의 인식 분석 - 6차, 7차, 2007 개정, 2009 개정 초등과학 교과서를 중심으로 - vol.35, pp.2, 2016,