Purpose: This study was conducted to analyze the articles published in the Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science from 1999 when it began to 2010. Methods: One hundred seventy eight articles were reviewed using analysis criteria developed by the researchers. Results: Thirty-one percent of the research was supported financially. The most used key concepts were in the health and environment domain. For study design, experimental studies were 50.56%, especially quasi-experimental design was most frequently used (22.47%). Selection of subjects by convenience sampling was most frequent (82.58%). The major subjects of study were adult patients (25.68%). Forty-eight percent of the research had verbal consent and 11% had written consent from the participants. Exercise was common intervention (27.87%) in experimental studies. Physiologic indicators (31.65%), cognitive indicator (25.38%), psychosocial indicator (13.21%) and physical indicator (7.31%) were frequently used as a measurement tool. For data analysis, descriptive statistics (28.99%), t-test (15.06%), chi-square test (11.69%) and ANOVA (9.89%) were most frequently used. Conclusion: The number of research papers published in the Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science has increased. Research topics varied and were mostly conducted on the basis of logical positivism. Further research should be more empirical enough to be utilized in an actual nursing care context.