생산자조직 내 자원순환형 농업시스템 구축사례와 시사점

Case Study on the Directions for Establishment of Resource Cycling Agricultural System Focused on Farmer's Organization

  • 투고 : 2011.11.15
  • 심사 : 2011.12.24
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


The objectives of this study were to establish of resource cycling agricultural system focused on farmer's organization. Case is selected as the farming corporation for the regional agriculture considering the amount of sowing by-products and livestock by-products generated. As a result, generation of fertilizer ingredient depend on feces and urine of Korean native cattle is estimated nitrogen 7.7 ton, phosphoric acid 2.9 ton, and potassium 4.9 ton. On the other hand, generation of fertilizer ingredient demand in cultivated acreage is estimated nitrogen 42.4 ton, phosphoric acid 14.3 ton, and potassium 17.0 ton. Therefore, optimum livestock numbers is estimated 1,867 cattle and it means 1,468 cattle can be raise additionally. In order to complete the resource cycling agricultural system, it should be establish nutrient management system at all of organization level and achieve improvements in regional resource supply. Both economic value of organic fertilizer and the resource cycling system linked market system is considered to develop resource cycling level.



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