Comparison of the Scrophulariae Radix of Gyeongbuk's with that of Chinese: Content of Harpagoside and Inhibitory Effect of Nitric Oxide

경북산 현삼과 중국산 현삼의 비교: Harpagoside 함량 및 Nitric Oxide 저해활성

  • Received : 2010.11.25
  • Accepted : 2011.01.20
  • Published : 2011.03.31


Scrophulariae Radix (Scrophulariaceae) has been traditionally used to treat pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, fever, and edema. To compare the quality of the Scrophulariae Radix produced from Gyeongbuk with that from China, a quantitative analysis on the major component, E-harpagoside, was performed by reversed-phase HPLC, and a relative inhibitory activity of nitric oxide (NO) was assayed in the Raw 264.7 cells. Using a Luna $C_{18}$(2) column, we carried out quantitative analysis with a gradient of 0.1% phosphoric acid in water and acetonitrile. Our results demonstrated that the content of E-harpagoside in Gyeongbuk's Scrophulariae Radix were three times higher than that of Chinese. Moreover, the inhibitory activity of Scrophulariae Radix of Gyeongbuk's in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced NO production was higher than that of Chinese.



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