Objective: This study is examined the factors affecting forms of untreated experiences in persons with physical disability. Method: The data collected from 461 persons with physical disability in community. Based on the Behavioral Model of Andersen, predisposing, enabling, and need factors are hypothesized to affect persons with physical disability's untreated experiences. The data were analyzed by statistical methods such as frequency and multiple logistic regression analysis. Result: Participation rates of untreated experiences were 26.7%. The significant factors of persons with physical disability's untreated experiences are predisposing factors (gender, partner, and religion), enabling factors (income, private insurance, information of assistive device, disability discrimination, and subjective discrimination), and need factors(subjective health status health screening and chronic disease). Also untreated experiences related to gender, subjective health status, health screening, and chronic disease factors using multiple logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: Implications of the findings were discussed and the recommendations for the improvement of health care utilization, subjective health statue. Especially, development of health education and program should be needed persons with physical disability.