패밀리 레스토랑에서의 추구혜택이 브랜드 동일시, 브랜드애착과 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향

Effects of What Consumers Want in Brand Identification, Brand Attachment, and Customer Loyalty in Family Restaurants

  • 전귀연 (경북대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 이은주 (경북대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 하동현 (동국대학교 호텔.컨벤션경영학과)
  • Jeon, Gwee-Yeon (Department of Child and Family Studies, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Lee, Eun-Ju (Department of Child and Family Studies, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Ha, Dong-Hyun (Department of Hotel.Convention Management, Dongguk University at Gyeongju)
  • 투고 : 2011.08.16
  • 심사 : 2011.11.29
  • 발행 : 2011.12.30


The purpose of this research was to identify not only the effect of what consumers want from their brand identification and brand attachment, but also the effect of their perceived brand identification on their perceived brand attachment in the family restaurant setting. This research also investigated the causal relationship between a consumer's perceived brand attachment and brand loyalty. A total of 332 questionnaires were collected from customers who visited one of 4 nationallybranded family restaurants in Daegu. With the consent of the store managers of each family restaurant brand, students of Dongguk University helped respondents fill out questionnaires and collected the data. There were three major findings of this research. First, the benefits that consumers wanted were found to have a significant effect on their perceived brand identification and brand attachment. Second, the perceived brand identification of customers was found to have a significant effect on their perceived brand attachment. And third, the perceived brand attachment of customers was found to have a significant effect on their perceived brand loyalty. Also, consumer's benefits sought affected their perceived brand attachment through their perceived brand identification, and consumer's benefits sought and brand identification respectively influenced their perceived brand loyalty through their perceived brand attachment. Therefore, marketing managers or general managers of family restaurants should identify consumer benefits in order to increase sales and profits.



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