Influence of friendship to academic persistence and drop out and mediation effect of school adaptation

대학생의 중도탈락에 미치는 교우관계의 영향력과 학교적응의 매개효과

  • Kim, Hyoe-Un (Dept. of Fashion Design, Keimyung College University) ;
  • Kim, Ki-Won (Ministry of Public Administration and Security)
  • Received : 2011.05.02
  • Accepted : 2011.07.04
  • Published : 2011.09.30


This study was to examined the relationship between goal setting, self improvement, social support of parents, friendship, school adaptation, drop out. In our research model, goal setting, self improvement, social support of parents, and friendship is exogenous variable and school adaption and drop out is endogenous variable. A total of 323 undergraduate student(254 female, 69 male) complete the questionnaires. Structural equation modelling showed that, as hypothesized, establishment of goals, social support of parent and friendship have effect on school adaptation, and friendship also have direct effect on drop out. School adaptation mediate path from goal setting, social support of parents, and friendship. This study provides empirical evidence for a model that show how to control the drop out of students.



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