Characteristics of New Premier American Fashion Designers' work - Focused on Descendants of Chinese Immigrants -

미국 신진 디자이너의 작품 특성에 관한 연구 - 중국계 디자이너를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2011.03.10
  • Accepted : 2011.05.02
  • Published : 2011.09.30


Philp Lim, Alexander Wang and Jason Wu are the American fashion designers as descendants of Chinese immigrants. They had the honor of being given the Swarovski Awards- new premier fashion designer- from CFDA(Council of Fashion Designers of America). The purpose of this study were to investigate the characteristics of their collection, and offered the informations for Korean designers entering the American market. This research categorized characteristics of these designers'- whole characteristics and the characteristics of details such as formal characteristics, optimistic characteristics, tactile characteristics-, and fashion styles from the S/S season of 2009 to the F/W season of 2010 were analyzed. These young and male designers being received attention as a star, didn't make creative art pieces. But they made pragmatic, commercial, and con-temporary works in whole characteristics and succeeded in their fashion business like other American designers. On the other hand they oriented high fashion clearly in terms of the detail characteristics - their own accent color, tiny change in variety, unique material, delicate ornaments. Therefore Lim created chic and stylish, Wang made a sporty street style, Wu made a luxury style with mannish and casual through work characteristics suitable for their costumer.



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