Study on Features of Ecological Space of Biomimicry

현대건축에 나타난 바이오미미크리의 생태적 공간 특성 연구

  • 최지혜 (국민대학교 테크노디자인 전문대학원 실내디자인학과) ;
  • 김개천 (국민대학교 조형대학 실내디자인학과)
  • Received : 2011.10.31
  • Accepted : 2011.12.09
  • Published : 2011.12.31


How to see nature and how to define the relation between nature and the human certainly influence fundamental attitude toward nature and any results derived from the attitude. Therefore, in order to figure out a way for how the humans and nature should coexist, the thesis has began a philosophical analysis on the origin of the biomimetics. Based on findings from the analysis, the thesis would work on the features of biomimicry space, presenting related possibilities. For the philosophical characteristic of the thesis which was an ecological world view, introduced at the end of mechanical world view era, the ideas of Spinoza, Nietzsche, Bergson and Deleuze about nature were quoted. Based on what the philosophers have said, the thesis looks into successful ideas, designs and ways of living that nature has shown by itself. After all, the purpose of the thesis is to investigate the constantly changing space of the biomimetics by organic forms, autonomous systems and dividing programs. Based on this, nine cases were analyzed to derive the characteristics. As a result, organic forms, autonomous systems and dividing programs characteristics of ecological appear simultaneously in harmony. Biomimicry space can coexist with nature and the human is an effective way.



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