Comparing Human Resources Theories of Technological Entrepreneurs : Asian Immigrants in the U.S.

기술기업가의 인적자원가설비교 : 미국의 아시안사례

  • Lee, Sae-Jae (School of Industrial Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
  • 이세재 (금오공과대학교 산업공학부)
  • Received : 2011.10.28
  • Accepted : 2011.11.29
  • Published : 2011.12.31


Human resource theories of becoming entrepreneurs or self-employed rather than finding employment are compared as applied to fit the occupational data of technological entrepreneurs and technology jobs. The human capital theory posits that technological entrepreneurs are prepared to become a jack-of-all-trades with a variety of fields of education. Hobo theory of entrepreneurship assumes that entrepreneurs have strong taste against concentrating on a few activities, which tend to drive entrepreneurs away from employed jobs depressing their expected income. Another theory assumes that entrepreneurs have some unobserved productive qualities and abilities over employed people. Immigrant entrepreneurs could presumably be pressured out of employment under racial discrimination. Since technology jobs are mostly filled by those educated in the science and technology fields, and they presumably offer great reward to professional concentration, technological entrepreneurs may not benefit from becoming jacks-of-all-trades compared to finding employment in technological jobs income-wise. Asian immigrants in the 2000 US Census data are compared to white immigrants in technological jobs to test alternative human resource theories of entrepreneurship. Using English language ability as a proxy for the variety of education, I find in the white immigrant technological entrepreneurs support for the jack-of-all-trades theory, while in the Asian immigrant technological entrepreneurs hobo theory is supported. In the Asian technological workers only there appears the significant self-selection or comparative advantage component, while at the same time discriminatory components are significant.



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