고대 혼파(混播)원리와 응용기술로서의 가설(假說) 연구

A Study on Principle of Ancient Mix Seeding and Hypothesis by Practical Technology

  • 구자옥 (농업사학회) ;
  • 국용인 (순천대학교 생명산업과학대학 자원식물개발학과)
  • Guh, Ja-Ock (Korean Agricultural History Association) ;
  • Kuk, Yong-In (Dept. of Development in Resource Plants, College of Life Science and Natural Resources, Sunchon National University)
  • 투고 : 2011.12.05
  • 심사 : 2011.12.22
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


중국에서 발상되어 우리나라에서 일반화하였던 고대 농법 혼파는 재해대책의 하나로서 최소한의 식량곡물을 확보하는 수단이었다. 이들 기술에 대한 역사적 흐름도를 중국농서인 "제민요술"(5세기 전후)와 "왕정농서"(1313)부터 우리나라 고대농서인 "농사직설"(1429)"한정록"(1610) "색경"(1676) "증보산림경제"(1766) "과농소초"(1799) "임원경제지"(1843)로부터 인용 제시하였다. 이들 혼파원리를 응용하는 무비 무농약 벼 이품종 혼파법은 아졸라 투입 무경운 벼 다품종 직산파를 전제로 하여 새로운 생력친환경 농법으로 제시하였다. 아울러 기존 연구결과들을 인용하여 현실적 타당성을 제시하여 평가하였다.

Ancient mix seeding that started in China and generated in Korea is one of the methods of securing foods against natural calamities. The history of this technology was excerpted and presented from Chinese agricultural books as "Jeminyosul"(closely one upon the other 5C), "Wangjungnongseo"(from 1313) and Korean agricultural books as "Nongsajikseol"(from 1429), "Hanjeongrok"(from 1610), "Saekyeong" (from 1676), "Jeungbosanrimkyeongje"(from 1766), "Kwanongsocho"(from 1799), "Rimwonkyeongje" (from 1843). In this study, we suggested new environment-friendly agricultural technique to save labors using ancient mix seeding principle, which is seeding different varieties rice without fertilizer and agricultural pesticides. It is essential prerequisite to have the process such as injecting Azolla, no-tillage direct and broadcast seeding with multiple varieties of rice. Based on the results of previous studies, we evaluated the practical validity.



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