Multi-Criteria ABC Inventory Classification Using the Cross-Efficiency Method in DEA

DEA의 교차효율성을 활용한 다기준 ABC 재고 분류 방법 연구

  • Park, Jae-Hun (Department of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University) ;
  • Bae, Hye-Rim (Department of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lim, Sung-Mook (School of Business Administration, Korea University)
  • Received : 2011.09.10
  • Accepted : 2011.11.10
  • Published : 2011.12.01


Multi-criteria ABC inventory classification, which aims to classify inventory items by considering more than one criterion, is one of the most widely employed techniques for inventory control. The weighted linear optimization (WLO) model proposed by Ramanathan (2006) solves the problem of multi-criteria ABC inventory classification by generating a set of criterion weights for each inventory item and assigning a normalized score to the item for ABC analysis. However, the WLO model has some limitations. First, many inventory items can share the same optimal score, which can hinder a precise classification of inventory items. Second, the model allows too much flexibility in weighting multiple criteria; each item is allowed to choose its own weights so that it can maximize its score. As a result, if an item dominates the others in terms of a certain criterion, it may be classified into a higher class regardless of other criteria by assigning an overwhelming weight to the criterion. Consequently, an item with a high value in an unimportant criterion and low values in others may be inappropriately classified as class A, leading to an inaccurate classification of inventory items. To overcome these shortcomings, we extend the WLO model by using the cross-efficiency method in data envelopment analysis. We claim that the proposed model can provide a more reasonable and accurate classification of inventory items by mitigating the adverse effect of flexibility in the choice of weights and yielding a unique ordering of inventory items.



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