R&D 프로젝트 성과평가를 위한 DEA모형의 타당성 실증분석 : 정규화지표와의 순위상관을 중심으로

Empirical Analysis of DEA models Validity for R&D Project Performance Evaluation : Focusing on Rank Correlation with Normalization Index

  • Park, Sung-Min (Department of Business Administration, Baekseok University)
  • 투고 : 2011.07.09
  • 심사 : 2011.10.25
  • 발행 : 2011.12.01


This study analyzes a relationship between Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) efficiency scores and a normalization index in order to examine the validity of DEA models. A normalization index concerned in this study is 'sales per R&D project fund' which is regarded as a crucial R&D project performance evaluation index in practice. For this correlation analysis, three distinct DEA models are selected such as DEA basic model, DEA/AR-I revised model(i.e. DEA basic model with Acceptance Region Type I constraints) and Super-Efficiency(SE) model. Especially, SE model is adopted where efficient R&D projects(i.e. Decision Making Units, DMU's) with DEA efficiency score of unity from DEA basic model can be further differentiated in ranks. Considering the non-normality and outliers, two rank correlation coefficients such as Spearman's ${\rho}_s$ and Kendall's ${\tau}_B$ are investigated in addition to Pearson's ${\gamma}$. With an up-to-date empirical massive dataset of n = 482 R&D projects associated with R&D Loan Program of Korea Information Communication Promotion Fund in the year of 2011, statistically significant (+) correlations are verified between the normalization index and every model's DEA efficiency scores with all three correlation coefficients. Especially, the congruence verified in this empirical analysis can be a useful reference for enhancing the practitioner's acceptability onto DEA efficiency scores as a real-world R&D project performance evaluation index.



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