Road to Community Sustainability: Development of Community-based Housing for Rural Elderly

  • Lee, Hyun-Jeong (Dept. of Housing and Interior Design at Kyunghee University)
  • Received : 2010.01.14
  • Published : 2011.12.30


Community-based housing is widely recognized as one unique mode of affordable housing provision discussed in the agenda of urban housing policy in the midst of global economy. While economic development of rural communities are severely blocked by many factors, the local housing needs at grass roots level are addressed in the response to the growing number of the elderly and shortage of adequate housing to accommodate the group, and the availability of affordable housing is primarily seen as a viable option to the sustainability of rural community. This research study is to examine the case study of community-based housing development in rural areas, and to explore the drives and hurdles that influence the success of each development. The on-site visits and in-depth interviews with community leaders were employed to meet the research goals. The findings show that the driving factors making the successful housing development include the firm commitment to the importance of affordable and adequate housing, strong leadership of community leaders, public support, well-advised dispersion of public resources and strong bond between the public sector and local people. In spite of all the contributing factors, the unfamiliarity of collective ownership is the leading hurdle to proceed the development in a timely manner.



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