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Cited by
- The Bonnesen isoperimetric inequality in a surface of constant curvature vol.55, pp.9, 2012,
- Reverse Bonnesen style inequalities in a surface $$\mathbb{X}_\varepsilon ^2$$ of constant curvature vol.56, pp.6, 2013,
- Some Bonnesen-style inequalities for higher dimensions vol.28, pp.12, 2012,
- On containment measure and the mixed isoperimetric inequality vol.2013, pp.1, 2013,
- Bonnesen-style symmetric mixed inequalities vol.2016, pp.1, 2016,
- Bonnesen-style inequalities on surfaces of constant curvature vol.2018, pp.1, 2018,
- Reverse Bonnesen-style inequalities on surfaces of constant curvature vol.29, pp.06, 2018,