Credit cards are more convenient than cash of heavy. Therefore, credit cards are used widely in on_line (internet) and off_line in nowadays. To use credit cards on internet is commonly secure because client identification based security card and authentication certificate. However, to use in off_line as like shop, store, department, restaurant is unsecure because of irregular accident. As client identification is not used in off_line use of credit cards, the irregular use of counterfeit, stolen and lost card have been increasing in number recently. Therefore, client identification is urgently necessary for secure card using in off_line. And the method of client identification must be simple, don't take long time, convenient for client, card affiliate and card company. In this paper, we study a reform measure of the structure and transaction process for the safety improvement of a credit cards. And we propose several authentication method of short-and long-term for client identification. In the proposal, the client authentication method by OTP application of smart-phone is efficient nowadays.