A study on the headache and the stiff neck in Shanghanlun(傷寒論) articles quoted in the Shanghan Books(傷寒書) classified as a symptom and are at the core

증(證)으로 분석(分類)한 상한서(傷寒書)애 인용(引用)된 《상한잡병론(傷寒雜病論)》과 《금궤요략(金匱要略)》의 두통(頭痛), 항강(項强) 조문(條文)에 대한 연구(硏究) - 《주해상한론(註解傷寒論)>과 《금궤요략방론(金匱要略方論)》을 중심(中心)으로 -

  • Received : 2011.11.18
  • Accepted : 2011.12.24
  • Published : 2011.12.30


The headache has various causes and symptoms in clinic. Therefore The headache and the stiff neck also can found in many articles of Shanghanlun(傷寒論) On Cold Damage. In the past, many doctors classified the headache and the stiff neck according to their own theories, and published some Shanghan books(傷寒書). In this study, I select ten Shanghan books which classified the headache and the stiff neck in table of contents, and compared with the articles of and , the first books of Shanghanlun(傷寒論) to found meanings of them. As a result, the Osuyutang(吳茱萸湯) was the most quoted herb medicine of . The second was Jowisunggitang(調胃承氣湯) and Sosunggitang(小承氣湯), the group of Sunggitang(承氣湯類). Mahwangtang(麻黃湯) and Gyejitang(桂枝湯) are substituted as Ganghwalchunghwatang(羌活沖和湯) in for simply prescribe medicine, or even not mentioned as in . This can be understand as a result of copy the previous generation doctor's writings, not as a study of and . The articles of the headache in was not quoted in that ten books. But the stiff neck was frequently quoted that Gyejigualutang(桂枝加括蔞湯), Dehamhyungtanghwan(大陷胸湯丸) articles includes chibyong(痓病) The Opisthotonos, gyongbyong(痙病) The Convulsions, Yuchi(柔痓) Opisthotonos With Sweat And Fever.



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