유료 디지털콘텐츠의 이용의도와 이용에 관한 연구

A Study on Intention to Use and Use Charged the Digital Contents

  • 안관호 (비즈니스전략연구소 기업전략팀) ;
  • 전중양 (건국대학교 밀러MOT스쿨) ;
  • 조형례 (건국대학교 밀러MOT스쿨)
  • 투고 : 2011.05.17
  • 심사 : 2011.06.10
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


In these days, almost all existing contents have been digitalized because of development of IT(Information Technology) and the emergence of various distribution channels. Those digitalized Contents has increased so rapidly, particularly Video contents, and brought new market and open new business. Now it became a lucrative industry. Therefore it's necessary to study Digital contents. This study is to find out the factors which have an influence on Intention to Use and Use charged the digital contents. To carry out this study, TAM(Technology Acceptance Model), IDT(Innovation Diffusion Theory) and Use& Gratifications Theory were applied. An empirical method has been adopted, using Likert-style 7 point measurement scale, data were collected by e-mail and direct survey in Daejeon, Korea. On the collected data, after the validity test and reliability test has been taken by factor analysis and using Cronbach's alpha respectively, following 5 variables were extracted such as Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Easy Of Use, Compatibility, Intention to Use and Use.



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