Changes of suspended sediment concentration in the Seomjin river estuary located in south sea of the Korea peninsula were investigated during the spring tide in autumn (i.e. 25 hours in October) 2000 and winter (i.e. 25 hours in February) 2001. The changes of temperature and salinity during the spring tide in October 2000 showed larger variations than the those in February 2001. During the spring tide in October 2000, currents at bottom layer were observed to be stronger than during the spring tide in February 2001, showing that both of the two periods had ebb currents-predominant tide asymmetries. The suspended sediment concentrations in October 2000 were larger than the those in February 2001. At the time of the maximum of tide currents or after about one hour of the maximum during the autumn months, the suspended sediment turbidity was observed to be maximum. Another observation station at Hadong upstream from the Seomjin river estuary showed about one hour delay in tide phase, Thereby, the suspended sediment concentration showed high turbidity after two hours at bottom and three hours at surface layer, in particular, in October 2000. This results can be explained by the facts that river discharge increased significantly after the summer rainy season, causing also increase of erosion processes by strong current velocity at bottom layer.