야간 혈압의 임상적 의의

Clinical Significance of Nighttime Blood Pressure

  • 윤소윤 (이화여자대학교 의학전문대학원 이대목동병원 순환기내과) ;
  • 편욱범 (이화여자대학교 의학전문대학원 이대목동병원 순환기내과)
  • Yoon, So-Yoon (Cardiovascular Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Womens University Mokdong Hospital, Ewha Womens University School of Medicine) ;
  • Pyun, Wook-Bum (Cardiovascular Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Womens University Mokdong Hospital, Ewha Womens University School of Medicine)
  • 발행 : 2011.01.01


It was impossible to measure the nighttime blood pressure in patients with hypertension for more than one hundred years. The introduction of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring made it possible to evaluate the nighttime blood pressure and clinical significances in recent 40 years. There are tremendous evidences for proving that the nighttime blood pressure is the more powerful predictor in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality than conventional office and ambulatory daytime blood pressure. The cardiovascular mortality can be reduced when 5% of nighttime blood pressure decreased from Ohasama registry report. So investigators should reevaluate the antihypertensive drugs in the view points of nighttime blood pressure reduction. And changing the administration schedule of antihypertensive drugs, so called chronotherapy, is effective for controlling the nighttime blood pressure and modifying the blood pressure circadian rhythm. Korean Ambulatory Blood Pressure (KORABP), nationwide ambulatory blood pressure monitoring registry in Korea, may answer unproved questions for controlling nighttime blood pressure.



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