The present study seeks to find the effect of oral health status that parents recognized, oral health habit and food intake on existence of decalcified teeth and decayed teeth. Participants were 293 infants aged 18-24 months who visited C dental clinic in Kyungki province between January and December 2010. Questionnaires and oral exam results were used and statistically analyzed by the SPSS program. Fisher's Exact and chi-square test were used to analyze the data. The 18-20 month-old age group had the highest rate of decalcified teeth with 36.4% while the 23-24 month-old age group had the highest rate of decayed teeth with 37.0%. Bottle feeding showed correlation with decalcified teeth, and decayed teeth. Parents were able to recognize decayed teeth and decalcified teeth. Group 2 food(soda/soft drinks/sugared fruit juice) was related to decalcified teeth and decayed teeth(p<.001). Group 4 food (cake/cookies/doughnut/dried fruit/banana) and group 5food(caramel/candy/chocolate bar) were both related to decalcified teeth(p<.001). As the result of dental examination, dental treatment was highly needed for the 21-22 month-old age group(89.3%), and preventive treatment and plaque control were highly needed for the 18-20 month-old age group(94.5%). The results concluded that 18-24 months was the critical period for children's oral health, therefore organized oral health education for parents is necessary.
본 연구는 경기도 C치과의원에서 2010년 1월부터 12월까지 1년 동안 18-24개월에 해당되는 293명의 영유아 구강검진 결과표와 부모가 작성한 문진표를 토대로 구강건강상태와 구강건강행태 및 우식성 식품섭취가 우식치와 탈회치에 미치는 영향을 조사하였으며, 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 18-20개월 영유아는 탈회치의 비율이 36.4%로 높고, 23-24개월 영유아는 우식치의 비율이 37.0%로 높게 나타났다. 2. 우유병을 뗀 여부는 탈회치와 우식치의 발생에 관련이 있다(p<.001). 3. 구강상태에서 썩은치아와 뿌연치아에 대해 부모가 인지하는 것으로 나타났다. 4. 식품군 중에서 2군(탄산음료/청량음료/가당 과일 쥬스)이 탈회치와 우식치와 관련이 있다(p<.001), 4군(케이크/과자/도우넛/말린과일/바나나), 5군(캐러멜/사탕류/초코렛바)은 탈회치와 관련이 있다(p<.001). 5. 구강검진 결과, 치아치료는 21-22개월(89.3%)에서, 예방치료와 치면세균막 제거는 18-20개월(94.5%)에서 가장 높게 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 통해 보면, 생후 18-24개월은 구강건강관리에 주의를 요하는 시기이므로 영유아 검진시에 부모의 체계화된 구강보건교육이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.