신경과학적 및 신경심리학적 관점에서 본 조선시대 화가의 자화상

Self-Portraits of Painters in Chosun Dynasty Reviewed by Neuroscientific and Neuropsychological Aspects

  • 이대희 (고려대학교 의료원 안산병원 신경과)
  • Lee, Dae Hie (Department of Neurology, Korea University Medical Centre and Ansan Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2011.03.31


In the times of Chosun dynasty, with Chinese cultures and Confucianism the techniques of painting were introduced. There was a tendency toward symbolic, abstract, and disembodied themes of paintings. In the 18 century indigenous techniques were advanced, particularly in calligraphy, poetry, and painting. It was a realism of paintings with subjects such as realistic landscapes and portraits. Through the review of classical portraits, I found the self-portraits drawn by 5 painters in the late period of the dynasty. If it is the principle that an individual human beliefs and activities should be understood in term of their own culture, thepainters was affected in character and activity by environment. So I reviewed and analyzed the self-portraits of the painters in Chosun dynasty through Blanke's model for self-portraits. And this review for the self-portraits suggest that of a importance for neuroscietific models of self and self-consciousness.



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