Effects of Outdoor Activities Utilizing Regional Science Education Resource Map (RSM) in Busan

부산 지역 과학 교육 자원 지도를 활용한 체험학습의 환경교육적 효과

  • Received : 2011.08.19
  • Accepted : 2011.09.26
  • Published : 2011.09.30


This study examined the effects of RSM (Regional Science education resource Map), developed and provided by Busan metropolitan city Office of Education, at high schools in Busan. Two group of students, who were in the same level of achievement as well as other environmental conditions, participated in this study. Twenty nine of students as an experimental group experienced outdoor activities utilizing RSM, while thirty of students as a control group did not participate in any outdoor activities. The results indicated that compared to the control group of students, the experimental group of students represented a significant improvement in students' environmental attitudes, local ecological interest and eco-friendly behavior. The teachers who guided outdoor activities utilizing RSM suggested that RSM needs to be further subdivided by seasons as well as local districts. They also suggested that RSM needs to be linked with a school curriculum.
