IT Innovativeness Evaluation considering the Adoption Phase : The Mongolian Case in Early-Adoptive Phase

도입단계를 고려한 IT혁신성 평가 : 몽골사례를 중심으로

  • Received : 2011.01.11
  • Accepted : 2011.02.25
  • Published : 2011.03.30


This paper provides a method to evaluate the competitiveness based on IT innovativeness considering the adoption phase and shows how to apply the method with a case of foreign market in the early-adoptive phase. The proposed method considers a variety of corporate and market characteristics concerned with the technology adoption, and it consists of several internal and external impacting factors that can influence the level of IT diffusion. Main advantage of this method is the ease of its applicability that allows evaluating the innovativeness, regardless of corporate size, industry type, or level of technology adoption. Therefore, it is possible for this method to evaluate the technology competitiveness easily and repeatedly, in terms of IT innovativeness by inter-organizations and inter-nations. For the case analysis, the Mongolian IT market with several Korean IT joint firms is introduced, and final data resulted from an early-adoptive phase case are analyzed.



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