A Study on the Project Evaluation Indicators for the Efficient Integrated Rural Development in Block Grants System

포괄보조금제도하에서 효율적인 농어촌지역개발을 위한 사업평가지표 연구

  • 이주용 ((주)에코탑 지역자원개발연구소) ;
  • 김선주 (건국대학교 생명환경과학대학)
  • Received : 2010.10.06
  • Accepted : 2011.01.12
  • Published : 2011.01.31


Block Grants System to the agriculture sector has been started from 2010. This paper has been studied for the effective Integrated Rural Development under Block Grants System. For this, project evaluation items and indicators (PEI) were studied by internal and external example and specialist questionnaire on project evaluation. As the result of study, necessity of project, faith of project, efficiency of project, utilization of resources and operating capability were established in planning step, and most important PEI was established the necessity of project. And in enforcement step, performance result, monitering, capability, achievement and maintenance were established, and most important PEI was established performance results. Finally, monitering, capability, achievement and maintenance were established in completion step.



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  1. A Study on the Residents' Participation and Satisfaction for the Rural Development under the Projects Block Grants System: Focusing on the Rural Development in Buyeo vol.19, pp.2, 2012,
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