Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Activities of Intertidal Macroalgae in Korea

  • 투고 : 2011.10.18
  • 심사 : 2011.12.05
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


The oxidative stress level and antioxidant activities in two green algae (Ulva pertusa and Ulva linza), two brown algae (Agarum cribrosum and Dictyota dichotoma), and three red algae (Grateloupia lanceolata, Carpopeltis affinis, and Gracilaria verrucosa) collected from intertidal regions of Korea were assessed. In the two green algae, although the total glutathione content was not as high as that of the brown algae, the glutathione pool was extremely reduced, and the glutathione reductase (GRd)/glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity ratio was high, which apparently plays an important role for protection against oxidative damage, as manifested by low lipid peroxidation. In the brown algae, which exhibited a low lipid peroxidation level that was comparable to the green algal species, the highest glutathione content, together with high GPx activity, appears to be the most important factor in their antioxidant protection. The red algal species exhibited extremely high lipid peroxidation levels. They also contained the lowest and most oxidized glutathione among the species, as well as the lowest GRd activity. In spite of the marked difference in the glutathione content, the significant difference in the activity of ${\gamma}$-glutamylcysteine ligase, the rate limiting enzyme for glutathione synthesis, among the species was not exhibited. Our results suggest that there is a significant difference in the levels of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity among the algal species, and that the glutathione system, especially the efficiency of glutathione recycling, plays a vital role in antioxidative protection in algal species.



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