The New Paradigm of Management in Design Organization: The Reality of Bottom-line Effectiveness in Design Organization's Management Needs

  • Received : 2011.08.09
  • Accepted : 2011.12.06
  • Published : 2011.12.28


This study identifies how management theory and philosophy work in conjunction with and support one another as both are critical to understanding leadership concepts and viewing the design organization holistically in terms of organizational behavior and performance. This paper analyses data from an in-depth single-case study at management in interior design organization in Korea. Two new 'most efficient and effective way' to achieve the goals of the design organization has been launched. The first was organizational behavior and performance, and the second a needed new paradigm of management skills. Organizational culture affects organizational effectiveness in design because it can (a) provide an organization with a competitive advantage, (b) improve the way an organizational structure works, and (c) increase the motivation of designers to pursue organizational interests. Moreover, the result of research creates paradigm of thinking that how leaders in the design organization need to focus on innovative and strategic systems to gain competitive advantage and enter global markets; a key inter-organizational cooperation strategy to achieve a targeted goal.



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