KOSPI지수와 원-달러 환율의 변동성의 비대칭성에 대한 실증연구

Empirical Analyses of Asymmetric Conditional Heteroscedasticities for the KOSPI and Korean Won-US Dollar Exchange Rate

  • 맹혜영 (이화여자대학교 통계학과) ;
  • 신동완 (이화여자대학교 통계학과)
  • 투고 : 20110900
  • 심사 : 20111000
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


본 논문에서는 KOSPI지수와 원-달러 환율의 로그수익률을 사용하여 비대칭 이분산성에 대해 연구한다. 커널 density plot과 상승기와 하강기의 평균, 분산을 검토하여 이들 시계열의 변동의 비대칭성에 대한 윤곽을 파악하고 GARCH군의 여러 비대칭 모형을 적합하여 비대칭성을 실증적으로 파악한다. 또한 최종선택 모형인 EGARCH 모형을 바탕으로 부트스트래핑을 사용하여 미래 시점의 변동성인 조건부 분산의 기대치를 예측하고 예측표준오차를 구해본다.

In this paper, we use a nested family of models of Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity(GARCH) to verify asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity in the KOSPI and Won-Dollar exchange rate. This study starts from an investigation of whether time series data have asymmetric features not explained by standard GARCH models. First, we use kernel density plot to show the non-normality and asymmetry in data as well as to capture asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity. Later, we use three representative asymmetric heteroscedastic models, EGARCH(Exponential Garch), GJR-GARCH(Glosten, Jagannathan and Runkle), APARCH(Asymmetric Power Arch) that are improved from standard GARCH models to give a better explanation of asymmetry. Thereby we highlight the fact that volatility tends to respond asymmetrically according to positive and/or negative values of past changes referred to as the leverage effect. Furthermore, it is verified that how the direction of asymmetry is different depending on characteristics of time series data. For the KOSPI and Korean won-US dollar exchange rate, asymmetric heteroscedastic model analysis successfully reveal the leverage effect. We obtained predictive values of conditional volatility and its prediction standard errors by using moving block bootstrap.



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