Simulation of the Brownian Coagulation of Smoke Agglomerates in the Entire Size Regime using a Nodal Method

결절법을 이용한 전영역에서의 연기입자 응집체에 대한 브라운응집현상 해석

  • Goo, Jae-Hark (Department of Fire and Safety, Woosuk University)
  • 구재학 (우석대학교 소방안전학과)
  • Received : 2011.08.30
  • Accepted : 2011.11.25
  • Published : 2011.12.31


The size distributions of smoke particles from fire are prerequisite for the studies on fire detection and adverse health effects. Above the flame of the fire, coagulation dominates and the smoke particles grow from 1 to 50 nm up to 100 to 3,000 nm, sizes ranging from the free-molecular regime to the continuum regime. The characteristics of the agglomeration of the smoke particles are well known, independently for each of the free-molecular and continuum regimes. However, there are not many systematic studies in the entire regime by the complexity of the mechanisms. The purpose of this work is to find the characteristics of the development of the size distribution of smoke particles by agglomeration in the entire size range covering the free-molecular regime, via transition regime, to the near-continuum and continuum regime for each variation of parameters such as fractal dimension, primary particle size and dimensionless coagulation time. In this work, the dynamic equation for the discrete-size spectrum of the particles was solved using a nodal method based on the modification of a sectional method. In the calculation, the collision frequency function for the entire regime, which is derived by using the concept of collision volume and general enhancement function, was applied. The self-preserving size distribution for the entire regime is compared with the ones for the free-molecular or continuum regimes for each variation of the parameters.



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