This study were performed thermal shock test for four kind of different rocks (Iksan granite, Namsan granite, Jeongseon marble, Yeongyang sandstone), and according to heating temperature($400^{\circ}C$, $600^{\circ}C$) on samples were investigated physical properties such as specify gravity, porosity, p-wave velocity. As a result, the tendency was appeared that porosity increased, and specific gravity and p-wave velocity decreased at a more higher temperature. But, the situation of change appeared characteristic according to temperature and rock types. In the case of Yeongyang sandstone, it appeared in especially porosity increasing at $400^{\circ}C$. The specific gravity was little change in the all the rock at $400^{\circ}C$ but the decreased at $600^{\circ}C$. Therefore the specific gravity in the temperature range is due to the relatively small impact on the change is expected. Porosity of the granite at $400^{\circ}C$ changes little. but marble in the rate of change is large. Conversely, the sandstone porosity decreased. At $600^{\circ}C$ increased porosity in all of rocks. particularly sandstone the smallest increase in porosity. Experiments showed that p-wave velocity measured through dry rocks was sensitive to quantify the thermal damage. The p-wave velocity of all rocks decreased with increasing temperature. In the relation between porosity and p-wave velocity, p-wave velocity decreased with increasing porosity. On the other hand, in case of Yeongyang sandstone p-wave velocity decreased with decreasing porosity. thus, development of microcracks more affects p-wave velocity than porosity. In this study, damage intensity was well explained with porosity and p-wave velocity values depending on temperature increase.