A Study on the Unlawful Fishery Control System

불법어업 단속제도에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2010.04.07
  • Accepted : 2010.07.07
  • Published : 2010.09.30


The fisheries resource in waters under the jurisdiction of Korea is being endangered by unlawful fishery. The Korean government exerted great efforts to establish the public order of water, but the number of the exposed unlawful fishing violations has increased for last 10 years. The system to guide fisheries regulatory noncompliance of Korea is limited to the use of fishing guidance patrol boats. For strength of monitoring and surveillance systems, the government needs to phase in Vessel Monitoring System. But there are some studies for that. The defects of present monitoring practice can be drawn from the facts described above. The qualification of the fishery control official one of most important element of fishing control system, is defined as any officer who is charging on fishing. For clear law enforcement the qualification should require considerable experience and knowledge. Korean coast guards have problems on guiding unlawful fishing violations because of the absence of administrative authority by comparison with the fisheries guiding officer, who has both authorities on administration and jurisdiction. To draw some judicial problems this research presents a analysis on the fishing control system. The research suggests the improvements to compensate the defects.



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