Analysis on the Plant and Site Characteristics for the Restoration of Sangrim Woodlands in Hamyang-Gun, Korea II

함양 상림 복원을 위한 식생 및 입지특성 분석 II

  • 박재현 (진주산업대학교 산림자원학과)
  • Received : 2010.08.09
  • Accepted : 2010.10.08
  • Published : 2010.12.31


This study was conducted to establish a management plan for the Sangrim Woodlands restoration by analyzing the vegetation survey and the site characteristics of the Sangrim Woodlands Natural Monument (Natural Monument 154) in Hamyang-Gun, Gyoungsangnam-Do, Korea. According to the vegetation analysis, the species diversity by the location of Sangrim was higher near forest (1.000) than near urban (0.358) areas. Although forest occupied 53% of the Sangrim woodlands area, it is still insufficient, requiring to transform arable land, lawn, or house areas to the forest within the woodlands. Soil bulk density was increased in access areas frequently used by public, while it was decreased in closed areas. Soil hardness at 0-10 cm soil depth was generally improved in the closed areas, while became worse in the public access areas compared with the soil hardness in 2004.



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