Air Temperature Decreasing Effects by Shading and Ventilation at Micro-scale Experiment Plots

소공간 실험구의 차광과 통풍에 의한 기온저감 효과

  • Received : 2010.09.02
  • Accepted : 2010.12.14
  • Published : 2010.12.31


The purpose of this study was to analyze air temperature decreasing effects by shading and ventilation at micro-scale experiment plots, especially focused on the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) in outdoor spaces. To monitor the time-serial changes of Dry-bulb Temperature (DT), Globe Temperature (GT) and Relative Humidity (RH) in the wind blocking and shading conditions, Two hexahedral steel frames were established on the open grass field, the dimension of each frame was 1.5m(W)${\times}$1.5m(L)${\times}$1.5m(H). Four vertical side of one frame was covered by transparent polyethylene film to prevent wind passing through (Wind break plot; WP). The top side of the other frame was covered with shading curtain which intercept 95% of solar light and energy (Shading plot; SP). And, Another vertical steel frame without any treatment preventing ventilation and sunlight was set up, which represents natural conditions (Control plot; CP). The major findings were as follows; 1. The average globe temperature (GT) was highest at WP showing $50.94^{\circ}C$ and lowest at SP showing $34.58^{\circ}C$. The GT of natural condition (SP) was $42.31^{\circ}C$ locating the midst between WP and SP. The difference of GT of each plot was about $8-16^{\circ}C$, which means the ventilation and shading has significant effect on decreasing the temperature. 2. WP showed the highest average dry-bulb temperature (DT) of $38.41^{\circ}C$ which apparently differ from SP and CP showing $31.94^{\circ}C$ and $33.15^{\circ}C$ respectively. The DT of SP and CP were nearly the same. 3. The average relative humidity (RH) was lowest at WP showing 15.21%, but SP and CP had similar RH 28.79%, 28.02% respectively. 4. The average of calculated WBGT were the highest at the WP ($27.61^{\circ}C$) and the lowest at the SP ($23.64^{\circ}C$). The CP ($25.49^{\circ}C$) was in the middle of the others. As summery, compared with natural condition (CP), the wind blocking increased about $2.11^{\circ}C$ WBGT, but the shading decreased about $1.84^{\circ}C$ WBGT. So It can be apparently said that the open space with much shading trees, sheltering furnitures and well-delivered wind corridor can reduce useless and even harmful energy for human outdoor activity considerably in outdoor spaces.



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