This paper focuses on geometrically non-linear static analysis of a simply supported beam made of hyperelastic material subjected to a non-follower transversal uniformly distributed load. As it is known, the line of action of follower forces is affected by the deformation of the elastic system on which they act and therefore such forces are non-conservative. The material of the beam is assumed as isotropic and hyperelastic. Two types of simply supported beams are considered which have the following boundary conditions: 1) There is a pin at left end and a roller at right end of the beam (pinned-rolled beam). 2) Both ends of the beam are supported by pins (pinned-pinned beam). In this study, finite element model of the beam is constructed by using total Lagrangian finite element model of two dimensional continuum for a twelve-node quadratic element. The considered highly non-linear problem is solved by using incremental displacement-based finite element method in conjunction with Newton-Raphson iteration method. In order to use the solution procedures of Newton-Raphson type, there is need to linearized equilibrium equations, which can be achieved through the linearization of the principle of virtual work in its continuum form. In the study, the effect of the large deflections and rotations on the displacements and the normal stress and the shear stress distributions through the thickness of the beam is investigated in detail. It is known that in the failure analysis, the most important quantities are the principal normal stresses and the maximum shear stress. Therefore these stresses are investigated in detail. The convergence studies are performed for various numbers of finite elements. The effects of the geometric non-linearity and pinned-pinned and pinned-rolled support conditions on the displacements and on the stresses are investigated. By using a twelve-node quadratic element, the free boundary conditions are satisfied and very good stress diagrams are obtained. Also, some of the results of the total Lagrangian finite element model of two dimensional continuum for a twelve-node quadratic element are compared with the results of SAP2000 packet program. Numerical results show that geometrical nonlinearity plays very important role in the static responses of the beam.