Experimental and finite element studies of special-shape arch bridge for self-balance

  • Lu, Pengzhen (School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University) ;
  • Zhao, Renda (School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University) ;
  • Zhang, Junping (School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University)
  • 투고 : 2007.07.30
  • 심사 : 2010.01.05
  • 발행 : 2010.05.10


Special-shape arch bridge for self-balance (SBSSAB) in Zhongshan City is a kind of new fashioned spatial combined arch bridge composed of inclined steel arch ribs, curved steel box girder and inclined suspenders, and the mechanical behavior of the SBSSAB is particularly complicated. The SBSSAB is aesthetic in appearance, and design of the SBSSAB is artful and particular. In order to roundly investigate the mechanical behavior of the SBSSAB, 3-D finite element models for spatial member and shell were established to analyze the mechanical properties of the SBSSAB using ANSYS. Finite element analyses were conducted under several main loading cases, moreover deformation and strain values for control section of the SBSSAB under several main loading cases were proposed. To ensure the safety and rationality for optimal design of the SBSSAB and also to verify the reliability of its design and calculation theories, the 1/10 scale model tests were carried out. The measured results include the load checking calculation, lane loading and crowd load, and dead load. A good agreement is achieved between the experimental and analytical results. Both experimental and analytical results have shown that the SBSSAB is in the elastic state under the planned test loads, which indicates that the SBSSAB has an adequate load-capacity. The calibrated finite-element model that reflects the as-built conditions can be used as a baseline for health monitoring and future maintenance of the SBSSAB.



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