지리산국립공원내 칠선계곡 탐방로의 회복에 관한 분석

Analysis on the Restoration of Visiting Roads of Stream of Chilsun in Jirisan National Park

  • 박재현 (국립진주산업대 산림자원학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.02.17
  • 심사 : 2010.04.02
  • 발행 : 2010.04.01


To investigate the restoration procedure on soil physical properties at the surface of visiting road affected by rest-year system. This study was carried out at visiting roads of stream of Chilsun in Jirisan. Mean soil strength in 20cm of soil depth was lower in the Rest-Year System areas (1.5-1.9 times in Site 2, 1.1-7.5 times in Site 3) than in the control (Site 1). Soil strength was recovered by the Rest-Year System in the national park. Mesopore rate (pF 2.7) in 0-15 cm of soil depth was higher in the Rest-Year System areas (1.2 times) than in the control. This indicates that mesopore rate is rapidly restoring in the Rest-Year System areas. Pore space rate in 0-7.5 cm of soil depth was higher in the Rest-Year System areas (23.2% in Site 2, 23.6% in Site 3) than in the control (22.4% in Site 1). Pore space rate in 7.5-15 cm of soil depth was also higher in the Rest-Year System areas (22.9% in Site 2 and Site 3) than in the control (18.9% in Site 1). Soil pore space was remediable by the Rest-Year System. Bulk density in 0-7.5 cm of soil depth was lower in the Rest-Year System areas (1.674g/$cm^3$ in Site 2, 1.668g/$cm^3$ in Site 3) than in the control (1.723g/$cm^3$ in Site 1). Bulk density in 7.5-15 cm of soil depth was lower in the Rest-Year System areas (1.785g/$cm^3$ in Site 2 and 1.721g/$cm^3$ in Site 3) than in the control (1.721g/$cm^3$ in Site 1). Soil bulk density was decreased in the Rest-Year System areas of the national park. Amount of soil erosion was lower in the Rest-Year System areas ($0.017m^3$/km/yr in site 2, $0.023m^3$/km/yr in site 3) than in the control ($0.054m^3$/km/yr in site 1).



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