Restoration Plan and Ecological Characteristics of Vegetation in the Area Adjacent to GeumJeong Mountain Fortress

금정산성 주변 식생의 생태적 특성과 복원방안

  • Kim, Seok-Kyu (Department of Landscape Architecture, Dong-A University)
  • Received : 2010.04.11
  • Accepted : 2010.05.14
  • Published : 2010.06.30


The the purpose of this study was to analyze of the vegetation structure and phytosociological changes in the area adjacent to GeumJeong Mountain Fortress for fifteen years. The result of this study was as follows; Of the 8 quadrates, site of the North Gate 2 was having a highest in the number of extinct trees, 15 kinds. This is probably due to trampling effect caused by climbers' steps. Site of the West Gate 1 and South gate 1 each had 8 kinds of extinct trees, respectively. The number of newly appeared trees was highest at site of the North Gate 1, (8 kinds) followed by the sites of South gate 1 and South gate 2, respectively (5 kinds). The highest decrease in number of tree species was observed in North Gate 1, therefore, there is a strong relationship between vegetation diversity and the number of users of the available spaces. In order to revitalize the unstable vegetation structure of the Area Adjacent to GeumJeong Mountain Fortress, Robinia pseudo-acacia has to be well maintained in the shrub tree layer, and vines, such as Smilax china, Humulus japonicus, and Pueraria thungergiana, should be removed. To recover natural vegetation, dead leaf layer should be protected, and more shrub trees need to be planted. In the understory and shrub tree layer, multi layer tree planting is highly recommended to recover natural vegetation and increase tree diversity. In order to improve bad soil condition caused by trampling effect of recreational users, special treatments to the soil structure are required, such as mulching and raking soil. Also, depending on its soil damage from users trampling, the areas in the park should be divided into usable areas and user limited areas by the sabbatical year system. To improve the soil acidity due to acidic rain, soil buffering ability should be improved by activating microorganisms in the soil by using lime and organic material.



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