Impact of the Geochemical Characteristics and Potential Contaminants Source of Surrounding Soil on Contamination of a Reservoir in an Island (II) - Appraisal of flow categorized by Incursion Using Rainfall-Runoff Model -

주변토양의 지구화학적 특성과 잠재적 오염원이 도서지역 저수지의 오염부하에 미치는 영향(II) - 강우 유출 모형을 이용한 유입경로별 유출량 평가 -

  • Received : 2009.11.04
  • Accepted : 2010.05.06
  • Published : 2010.06.30


This research aims to gain the result of assessment of inflow categorized by runoff path using DIROM (Daily Irrigation Reservoir Operation Model) for Baengnyeong-myeon reservior which was built for residents of Baengnyeong island to solve the shortage of drinking water and stable supply of domestic water. The simulation results of DIROM and actual hydrograph of the reservoir show very low correlation with geological characteristics. The simulation results by DIROM after adjusting with modified Tank III model which considers all outflow from Tank II model as interflow among 3 level tanks show good correlation of its regional runoff and inflow characteristics with $R^2$=0.9058. In the study area, diffluence of 37% of rain fall of the study year has been simulated, which shows low result compared to the average river runoff of national water resource. In addition, 34.5% of total inflow to the study reservoir is mainly interflow and baseflow among expected several channels.



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