The objective of the research is to analyze changing trend of water discharge in precipitation, according to changing land use, through an environment-friendly urban development method called LID. The study chose S1 basin (Separated Sewer districts) in Cheongju region for survey. Among LID methods, relatively more applicable methods of green rooftop space and parking lot with permeable material were selected to construct plausible scenarios. Curve Number (CN) value was calculated due to land use patterns in each scenario, and SWMM model simulation were conducted during 2008 for comparative analysis. For Case 1, only parking lot with permeable material was applied to the scenario. Green rooftop space I and II were applied to Case 2 and 3 respectively. For Case 4 and 5, green rooftop space I and II were applied, in addition to parking lot with permeable material, Calculation of CN value showed that for S1 basin, the value was 88.1 (prior to scenario application), 86.5 (Case 1), 81.9 (Case 2), 68.5 (Case 3), 80.4 (Case 4) and 67.2 (Case 5). Changing pattern of rain water discharge was analyzed for each scenario. For Case 1, the change was not remarkable before and after application of scenario. In Case 2 and 4, the impact of rain water discharge as source of pollutant fell to 20~30%. The rate dropped to 30~50% in Case 3 and 5 respectively. The result demonstrates that the amount of rain water discharge, amount and frequency of sewer overflow, frequency of rain water discharge, and pollution load decreased in accordance with declining CN value in each scenario. In installing green rooftop space, the effect was twice greater when rain water discharge was directly infiltrated into soil.