Expert-novice differences in visual information processing in air traffic control

항공관제 전문가와 훈련관제사의 시각정보처리 차이

  • Received : 2010.03.10
  • Accepted : 2010.03.28
  • Published : 2010.03.31


This study investigated how air traffic controllers (ATCs) perceive the visual information on radar screen and examined quantitative and qualitative differences as a function of expertise. Little research has shown that how much information is processed by ATC visually and perceptually, how ATCs represent the information, and what difference exists between experts and novices. Participants were asked to draw representing visual information on the blank sector map after a 5-second exposure. Data were analyzed by a superimposing method to identify correctly represented information. Results showed that the expert group had much larger size of chunking and their pattern was wider and more accurate than the novice group. The practical application and methodological implications are also discussed for further research.



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