An Optimization-based Computational Method for Surface Fitting to Update the Geometric Information of An Existing B-Rep CAD Model

  • Published : 2010.04.01


For several years, researchers have focused on improving the integration of the CAD, CAM and Analysis through a better communication between the various analysis tools. This tendency to integrate the CAD/Analysis and automation of the corresponding processes requires data sharing between the various tasks using an integrated product model. We are interested in this research orientation to CAD/CAM/Analysis integration by rebuilding the CAD model (BREP), starting from the Analysis results (deformed mesh). Because this problem is complex, it requires to be split into several complementary parts. This paper presents an original interoperability process between the CAD and CAE. This approach is based on a new technique of rebuilding the CAD surface model (Nurbs, Bezier, etc.) starting from triangulation (meshed surface) as a main step of the BREP solid model. In our work, the advantages of this approach are identified using a centrifugal pump example.



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